Copyright | (c) Nickolay Kudasov 2014 |
License | BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) |
Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Internal module to provide a set of functions to create,
control and manage LXC containers.
Normally you should import System.LXC
module only.
- type ContainerCreateFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> Ptr C'bdev_specs -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CBool
- mkCreateFn :: FunPtr ContainerCreateFn -> ContainerCreateFn
- type ContainerCloneFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> CString -> CString -> C'uint64_t -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr C'lxc_container)
- mkCloneFn :: FunPtr ContainerCloneFn -> ContainerCloneFn
- type ContainerBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO CBool
- mkBoolFn :: FunPtr ContainerBoolFn -> ContainerBoolFn
- type ContainerStringFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO CString
- mkStringFn :: FunPtr ContainerStringFn -> ContainerStringFn
- type ContainerProcessIDFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO C'pid_t
- mkProcessIDFn :: FunPtr ContainerProcessIDFn -> ContainerProcessIDFn
- type ContainerStringBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CBool
- mkStringBoolFn :: FunPtr ContainerStringBoolFn -> ContainerStringBoolFn
- type ContainerBoolBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CBool -> IO CBool
- mkBoolBoolFn :: FunPtr ContainerBoolBoolFn -> ContainerBoolBoolFn
- type ContainerStartFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CBool
- mkStartFn :: FunPtr ContainerStartFn -> ContainerStartFn
- type ContainerShutdownFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> IO CBool
- mkShutdownFn :: FunPtr ContainerShutdownFn -> ContainerShutdownFn
- type ContainerClearConfigFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO ()
- mkClearConfigFn :: FunPtr ContainerClearConfigFn -> ContainerClearConfigFn
- type ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CString
- mkGetRunningConfigItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn -> ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn
- type ContainerGetItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
- mkGetItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetItemFn -> ContainerGetItemFn
- type ContainerSetItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> IO CBool
- mkSetItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn -> ContainerSetItemFn
- type ContainerGetInterfacesFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (Ptr CString)
- mkGetInterfacesFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetInterfacesFn -> ContainerGetInterfacesFn
- type ContainerGetIPsFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CString)
- mkGetIPsFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetIPsFn -> ContainerGetIPsFn
- type ContainerWaitFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CInt -> IO CBool
- mkWaitFn :: FunPtr ContainerWaitFn -> ContainerWaitFn
- type ContainerSnapshotFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CInt
- mkSnapshotFn :: FunPtr ContainerSnapshotFn -> ContainerSnapshotFn
- type ContainerSnapshotListFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr (Ptr C'lxc_snapshot) -> IO CInt
- mkSnapshotListFn :: FunPtr ContainerSnapshotListFn -> ContainerSnapshotListFn
- type ContainerConsoleGetFDFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
- mkConsoleGetFDFn :: FunPtr ContainerConsoleGetFDFn -> ContainerConsoleGetFDFn
- type ContainerConsoleFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
- mkConsoleFn :: FunPtr ContainerConsoleFn -> ContainerConsoleFn
- type ContainerAttachFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> C_lxc_attach_exec_t -> Ptr () -> Ptr C'lxc_attach_options_t -> Ptr C'pid_t -> IO CInt
- mkAttachFn :: FunPtr ContainerAttachFn -> ContainerAttachFn
- type ContainerAttachRunWaitFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr C'lxc_attach_options_t -> CString -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
- mkAttachRunWaitFn :: FunPtr ContainerAttachRunWaitFn -> ContainerAttachRunWaitFn
- type SnapshotFreeFn = Ptr C'lxc_snapshot -> IO ()
- mkFreeFn :: FunPtr SnapshotFreeFn -> SnapshotFreeFn
- newtype LXC a = LXC {}
- lxc :: (Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO a) -> LXC a
- withContainer :: MonadIO m => Container -> LXC a -> m a
- data LXCError = LXCError {}
- prettyLXCError :: LXCError -> String
- data CloneOption
- data CreateOption
- cloneFlag :: Num a => CloneOption -> a
- createFlag :: Num a => CreateOption -> a
- data Snapshot = Snapshot {}
- data Container = Container {}
- newC'lxc_container :: Container -> IO (Ptr C'lxc_container)
- peekC'lxc_container :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (String -> Container)
- withC'lxc_container :: Container -> (Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO a) -> IO a
- data ContainerState
- parseState :: String -> ContainerState
- printState :: ContainerState -> String
- data BDevSpecs = BDevSpecs {}
- withC'bdev_specs :: BDevSpecs -> (Ptr C'bdev_specs -> IO a) -> IO a
- type Field s a = Ptr s -> Ptr a
- mkFn :: (FunPtr (Ptr s -> a) -> Ptr s -> a) -> Field s (FunPtr (Ptr s -> a)) -> Ptr s -> IO a
- boolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerBoolFn) -> LXC Bool
- stringBoolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerStringBoolFn) -> Maybe String -> LXC Bool
- boolBoolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerBoolBoolFn) -> Bool -> LXC Bool
- getItemFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerGetItemFn) -> String -> LXC (Maybe String)
- setItemFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn) -> String -> Maybe String -> LXC Bool
- setItemFn' :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn) -> String -> String -> LXC Bool
- getDaemonize :: LXC Bool
- getLastError :: LXC (Maybe LXCError)
- isDefined :: LXC Bool
- isRunning :: LXC Bool
- state :: LXC ContainerState
- freeze :: LXC Bool
- unfreeze :: LXC Bool
- initPID :: LXC (Maybe ProcessID)
- loadConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> LXC Bool
- start :: Bool -> [String] -> LXC Bool
- stop :: LXC Bool
- wantDaemonize :: Bool -> LXC Bool
- wantCloseAllFDs :: Bool -> LXC Bool
- configFileName :: LXC (Maybe FilePath)
- wait :: ContainerState -> Int -> LXC Bool
- setConfigItem :: String -> String -> LXC Bool
- destroy :: LXC Bool
- saveConfig :: FilePath -> LXC Bool
- rename :: String -> LXC Bool
- reboot :: LXC Bool
- shutdown :: Int -> LXC Bool
- clearConfig :: LXC ()
- getConfigItem :: String -> LXC (Maybe String)
- getRunningConfigItem :: String -> LXC (Maybe String)
- getKeys :: String -> LXC [String]
- getInterfaces :: LXC [String]
- getIPs :: String -> String -> Word32 -> LXC [String]
- getCGroupItem :: String -> LXC (Maybe String)
- setCGroupItem :: String -> String -> LXC Bool
- clearConfigItem :: String -> LXC Bool
- getConfigPath :: LXC FilePath
- setConfigPath :: FilePath -> LXC Bool
- clone :: Maybe String -> Maybe FilePath -> [CloneOption] -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe Word64 -> [String] -> LXC (Maybe Container)
- consoleGetFD :: Maybe Int -> LXC (Maybe (Int, Int, Int))
- console :: Maybe Int -> Fd -> Fd -> Fd -> Int -> LXC Bool
- attach :: AttachExecFn -> AttachCommand -> AttachOptions -> LXC (Maybe ProcessID)
- attachRunWait :: AttachOptions -> String -> [String] -> LXC (Maybe ExitCode)
- snapshot :: Maybe FilePath -> LXC (Maybe Int)
- peekC'lxc_snapshot :: Ptr C'lxc_snapshot -> IO Snapshot
- snapshotList :: LXC [Snapshot]
- snapshotRestore :: String -> String -> LXC Bool
- snapshotDestroy :: String -> LXC Bool
- mayControl :: LXC Bool
- addDeviceNode :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> LXC Bool
- removeDeviceNode :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> LXC Bool
- create :: String -> Maybe String -> Maybe BDevSpecs -> [CreateOption] -> [String] -> LXC Bool
- getRef :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO Bool
- dropRef :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (Maybe Bool)
- getWaitStates :: IO [ContainerState]
- getGlobalConfigItem :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
- getVersion :: IO String
- listContainersFn :: (CString -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'lxc_container)) -> IO CInt) -> Maybe String -> IO [Container]
- listDefinedContainers :: Maybe String -> IO [Container]
- listActiveContainers :: Maybe String -> IO [Container]
- listAllContainers :: Maybe String -> IO [Container]
- logClose :: IO ()
type ContainerCreateFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> Ptr C'bdev_specs -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CBool
type ContainerCloneFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> CString -> CString -> C'uint64_t -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr C'lxc_container)
type ContainerBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO CBool
type ContainerStringFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO CString
type ContainerProcessIDFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO C'pid_t
type ContainerStringBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CBool
type ContainerBoolBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CBool -> IO CBool
type ContainerShutdownFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> IO CBool
type ContainerClearConfigFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO ()
type ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CString
mkGetRunningConfigItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn -> ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn
type ContainerSetItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> IO CBool
type ContainerGetInterfacesFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (Ptr CString)
type ContainerWaitFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CInt -> IO CBool
type ContainerSnapshotFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CInt
type ContainerAttachFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> C_lxc_attach_exec_t -> Ptr () -> Ptr C'lxc_attach_options_t -> Ptr C'pid_t -> IO CInt
type ContainerAttachRunWaitFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr C'lxc_attach_options_t -> CString -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
type SnapshotFreeFn = Ptr C'lxc_snapshot -> IO ()
newtype LXC a
withContainer :: MonadIO m => Container -> LXC a -> m a
data LXCError
LXC error structure.
LXCError | |
prettyLXCError :: LXCError -> String
Pretty print LXC error message.
data CloneOption
Options for clone
CloneKeepName | Do not edit the rootfs to change the hostname. |
CloneKeepMacAddr | Do not change the MAC address on network interfaces. |
CloneSnapshot | Snapshot the original filesystem(s). |
CloneKeepBDevType | Use the same bdev type. |
CloneMaybeSnapshot | Snapshot only if bdev supports it, else copy. |
CloneMaxFlags | Number of |
data CreateOption
Options for create
CreateQuiet | Redirect |
CreateMaxFlags | Number of |
cloneFlag :: Num a => CloneOption -> a
Turn CloneOption
into a bit flag.
createFlag :: Num a => CreateOption -> a
Turn CreateOption
into a bit flag.
data Snapshot
An LXC container snapshot.
Snapshot | |
data Container
Container object.
Container | |
newC'lxc_container :: Container -> IO (Ptr C'lxc_container)
Allocate a new lxc_container
peekC'lxc_container :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (String -> Container)
withC'lxc_container :: Container -> (Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO a) -> IO a
Marshal Container
to lxc_container
using temporary storage.
data ContainerState
Container state.
ContainerStopped | Container is stopped. |
ContainerStarting | Container is starting. |
ContainerRunning | Container is running. |
ContainerStopping | Container is stopping. |
ContainerAborting | Container is aborting. |
ContainerFreezing | Container is freezing. |
ContainerFrozen | Container is frozen. |
ContainerThawed | Container is thawed. |
ContainerOtherState String | Container is in some other state. |
parseState :: String -> ContainerState
Parse state as string representation.
printState :: ContainerState -> String
Get string representation of a state.
data BDevSpecs
Specifications for how to create a new backing store.
BDevSpecs | |
withC'bdev_specs :: BDevSpecs -> (Ptr C'bdev_specs -> IO a) -> IO a
Marshal Haskell BDevSpecs
into C structure using temporary storage.
- the memory is freed when the subcomputation terminates (either normally or via an exception), so the pointer to the temporary storage must not be used after this.
stringBoolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerStringBoolFn) -> Maybe String -> LXC Bool
boolBoolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerBoolBoolFn) -> Bool -> LXC Bool
setItemFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn) -> String -> Maybe String -> LXC Bool
setItemFn' :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn) -> String -> String -> LXC Bool
getDaemonize :: LXC Bool
Whether container wishes to be daemonized.
getLastError :: LXC (Maybe LXCError)
Get last container's error.
Determine if /var/lib/lxc/$name/config
if container is defined, else False
Determine state of container.
:: Maybe FilePath | Full path to alternate configuration file, or |
-> LXC Bool |
Load the specified configuration for the container.
:: Bool | Use |
-> [String] | Array of arguments to pass to init. |
-> LXC Bool |
Start the container.
:: Bool | Value for the daemonize bit. |
-> LXC Bool |
Determine if the container wants to run disconnected from the terminal.
:: Bool | Value for the |
-> LXC Bool |
Determine whether container wishes all file descriptors to be closed on startup.
configFileName :: LXC (Maybe FilePath)
Return current config file name.
:: ContainerState | State to wait for. |
-> Int | Timeout in seconds. |
-> LXC Bool |
Wait for container to reach a particular state.
- A timeout of
means wait forever. A timeout0
means do not wait.
:: String | Name of option to set. |
-> String | Value to set. |
-> LXC Bool |
Set a key/value configuration option.
Delete the container.
on success, else False
- NOTE: Container must be stopped and have no dependent snapshots.
:: FilePath | Full path to file to save configuration in. |
-> LXC Bool |
Save configuaration to a file.
Rename a container.
Request the container reboot by sending it SIGINT
if reboot request successful, else False
:: Int | Seconds to wait before returning false. ( |
-> LXC Bool |
Request the container shutdown by sending it SIGPWR
clearConfig :: LXC ()
Completely clear the containers in-memory configuration.
Retrieve the value of a config item.
Retrieve the value of a config item from running container.
Retrieve a list of config item keys given a key prefix.
getInterfaces :: LXC [String]
Obtain a list of network interfaces.
:: String | Network interface name to consider. |
-> String | Network family (for example |
-> Word32 | IPv6 scope id (ignored if family is not "inet6"). |
-> LXC [String] | A list of network interfaces. |
Determine the list of container IP addresses.
:: String |
-> LXC (Maybe String) |
Retrieve the specified cgroup subsystem value for the container.
:: String |
-> String | Value to set. |
-> LXC Bool |
Set the specified cgroup subsystem value for the container.
Clear a configuration item.
Analog of setConfigItem
Determine full path to the containers configuration file.
Each container can have a custom configuration path. However
by default it will be set to either the LXCPATH
variable, or the lxcpath value in the LXC_GLOBAL_CONF
file (i.e. /etc/lxc/lxc.conf
The value for a specific container can be changed using
Set the full path to the containers configuration file.
:: Maybe String | New name for the container. If |
-> Maybe FilePath | lxcpath in which to create the new container. If |
-> [CloneOption] | Additional |
-> Maybe String | Optionally force the cloned bdevtype to a specified plugin. By default the original is used (subject to snapshot requirements). |
-> Maybe String | Information about how to create the new storage (i.e. fstype and fsdata). |
-> Maybe Word64 | In case of a block device backing store, an optional size. If |
-> [String] | Additional arguments to pass to the clone hook script. |
-> LXC (Maybe Container) | Newly-allocated copy of container |
Copy a stopped container.
:: Maybe Int | Terminal number to attempt to allocate, or |
-> LXC (Maybe (Int, Int, Int)) | Tuple |
Allocate a console tty for the container.
- The returned file descriptor is used to keep the tty allocated. The caller should call close(2) on the returned file descriptor when no longer required so that it may be allocated by another caller.
:: Maybe Int | Terminal number to attempt to allocate, |
-> Fd | File descriptor to read input from. |
-> Fd | File descriptor to write output to. |
-> Fd | File descriptor to write error output to. |
-> Int | The escape character ( |
-> LXC Bool |
Allocate and run a console tty.
:: AttachExecFn | Function to run. |
-> AttachCommand | Data to pass to |
-> AttachOptions | Attach options. |
-> LXC (Maybe ProcessID) | Process ID of process running inside container |
Create a sub-process attached to a container and run a function inside it.
:: AttachOptions | Attach options. |
-> String | Full path inside container of program to run. |
-> [String] | Array of arguments to pass to program. |
-> LXC (Maybe ExitCode) |
Run a program inside a container and wait for it to exit.
:: Maybe FilePath | Full path to file containing a description of the snapshot. |
-> LXC (Maybe Int) |
Create a container snapshot.
Assuming default paths, snapshots will be created as
where <c>
represents the container name and <n>
represents the zero-based snapshot number.
peekC'lxc_snapshot :: Ptr C'lxc_snapshot -> IO Snapshot
snapshotList :: LXC [Snapshot]
Obtain a list of container snapshots.
:: String | Name of snapshot. |
-> String | Name to be used for the restored snapshot. |
-> LXC Bool |
Create a new container based on a snapshot.
The restored container will be a copy (not snapshot) of the snapshot, and restored in the lxcpath of the original container.
- WARNING: If new name is the same as the current container name, the container will be destroyed. However, this will fail if the snapshot is overlay-based, since the snapshots will pin the original container.
- NOTE: As an example, if the container exists as
, snapname might be"snap0"
). If new name isc2
, thensnap0
will be copied to/var/lib/lxc/c2
Destroy the specified snapshot.
mayControl :: LXC Bool
Determine if the caller may control the container.
if there is a control socket for the container monitor
and the caller may not access it, otherwise returns True
:: FilePath | Full path of the device. |
-> Maybe FilePath | Alternate path in the container (or |
-> LXC Bool |
Add specified device to the container.
:: FilePath | Full path of the device. |
-> Maybe FilePath | Alternate path in the container (or |
-> LXC Bool |
Remove specified device from the container.
:: String | Template to execute to instantiate the root filesystem and adjust the configuration. |
-> Maybe String | Backing store type to use (if |
-> Maybe BDevSpecs | Additional parameters for the backing store (for example LVM volume group to use). |
-> [CreateOption] |
-> [String] | Arguments to pass to the template. |
-> LXC Bool |
Create a container.
dropRef :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (Maybe Bool)
Drop a reference to the specified container.
Just False
on success, Just True
if reference was successfully dropped
and container has been freed, and Nothing
on error.
getWaitStates :: IO [ContainerState]
Obtain a list of all container states.
:: String | The name of the config key. |
-> IO (Maybe String) | String representing the current value for the key. |
Get the value for a global config key.
getVersion :: IO String
Determine version of LXC.
listContainersFn :: (CString -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'lxc_container)) -> IO CInt) -> Maybe String -> IO [Container]
Get a list of defined containers in a lxcpath.
Get a list of active containers for a given lxcpath.
Get a complete list of all containers for a given lxcpath.