Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Main definitions of the foil that can be reused for specific implementations.
The original description of this approach
is described in the IFL 2022 paper by Maclaurin, Radul, and Paszke
«The Foil: Capture-Avoiding Substitution With No Sharp Edges».
This module also introduces CoSinkable
generalizing handling of patterns, as described in
«Free Foil: Generating Efficient and Scope-Safe Abstract Syntax».
Since the representation of scopes and substitutions
is either IntMap
or IntSet
, many of the operations
have a worst-case complexity of \(O(\min(n,W))\).
This means that the operation can become linear in the size of the scope \(n\) with a maximum of \(W\)
— the number of bits in an Int
(32 or 64).
- data S = VoidS
- data Scope (n :: S)
- data Name (n :: S)
- data NameBinder (n :: S) (l :: S)
- emptyScope :: Scope 'VoidS
- extendScope :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> Scope n -> Scope l
- extendScopePattern :: forall (n :: S) pattern (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> Scope n -> Scope l
- member :: forall (l :: S) (n :: S). Name l -> Scope n -> Bool
- nameOf :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> Name l
- namesOfPattern :: forall pattern (n :: S) (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> [Name l]
- nameId :: forall (l :: S). Name l -> Id
- withFreshBinder :: forall (n :: S) r. Scope n -> (forall (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> r) -> r
- withFresh :: forall (n :: S) r. Distinct n => Scope n -> (forall (l :: S). DExt n l => NameBinder n l -> r) -> r
- withFreshPattern :: forall (o :: S) pattern (e :: S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (Distinct o, CoSinkable pattern, Sinkable e, InjectName e) => Scope o -> pattern n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => (Substitution e n o -> Substitution e l o') -> pattern o o' -> r) -> r
- withRefreshed :: forall (o :: S) (i :: S) r. Distinct o => Scope o -> Name i -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => NameBinder o o' -> r) -> r
- withRefreshedPattern :: forall (o :: S) pattern (e :: S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (Distinct o, CoSinkable pattern, Sinkable e, InjectName e) => Scope o -> pattern n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => (Substitution e n o -> Substitution e l o') -> pattern o o' -> r) -> r
- withRefreshedPattern' :: forall pattern (o :: S) e (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (CoSinkable pattern, Distinct o, InjectName e, Sinkable e) => Scope o -> pattern n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => ((Name n -> e o) -> Name l -> e o') -> pattern o o' -> r) -> r
- unsinkName :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> Name l -> Maybe (Name n)
- unsinkNamePattern :: forall pattern (n :: S) (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> Name l -> Maybe (Name n)
- class SinkableK (f :: S -> k) where
- sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> k)) (bs :: LoT (S -> k)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (f :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> k)). RenamingsK as cs -> (f :@@: cs) -> r) -> r
- class Sinkable (e :: S -> Type) where
- sinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). (Name n -> Name l) -> e n -> e l
- class CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
- coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> pattern n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) -> r
- withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> pattern n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r) -> r
- class HasNameBinders (f :: S -> S -> Type) where
- getNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). f n l -> NameBinders n l
- sink :: forall e (n :: S) (l :: S). (Sinkable e, DExt n l) => e n -> e l
- extendRenaming :: forall pattern (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. CoSinkable pattern => (Name n -> Name n') -> pattern n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) -> r
- extendNameBinderRenaming :: forall pattern (i :: S) (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. CoSinkable pattern => (NameBinder i n -> NameBinder i n') -> pattern n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (NameBinder n' l -> NameBinder n' l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) -> r
- composeNameBinderRenamings :: forall (n :: S) (i :: S) (i' :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). (NameBinder n i -> NameBinder n i') -> (NameBinder i' l -> NameBinder i' l') -> NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l'
- fromNameBinderRenaming :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). (NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l') -> Name l -> Name l'
- extendRenamingNameBinder :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinder n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinder n' l' -> r) -> r
- data Substitution (e :: S -> Type) (i :: S) (o :: S)
- lookupSubst :: forall e (i :: S) (o :: S). InjectName e => Substitution e i o -> Name i -> e o
- identitySubst :: forall (e :: S -> Type) (i :: S). InjectName e => Substitution e i i
- voidSubst :: forall (e :: S -> Type) (n :: S). Substitution e 'VoidS n
- addSubst :: forall e (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). Substitution e i o -> NameBinder i i' -> e o -> Substitution e i' o
- addSubstPattern :: forall binder e (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). CoSinkable binder => Substitution e i o -> binder i i' -> [e o] -> Substitution e i' o
- addSubstList :: forall e (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). Substitution e i o -> NameBinderList i i' -> [e o] -> Substitution e i' o
- addRename :: forall (e :: S -> Type) (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). InjectName e => Substitution e i o -> NameBinder i i' -> Name o -> Substitution e i' o
- data UnifyNameBinders (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S) where
- SameNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (pattern :: S -> S -> Type). NameBinders n l -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l l
- RenameLeftNameBinder :: forall (n :: S) (r :: S) (l :: S) (pattern :: S -> S -> Type). NameBinders n r -> (NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n r) -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r
- RenameRightNameBinder :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S) (pattern :: S -> S -> Type). NameBinders n l -> (NameBinder n r -> NameBinder n l) -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r
- RenameBothBinders :: forall (n :: S) (lr :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S) (pattern :: S -> S -> Type). NameBinders n lr -> (NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n lr) -> (NameBinder n r -> NameBinder n lr) -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r
- NotUnifiable :: forall (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r
- unifyNameBinders :: forall (i :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S) (pattern :: S -> S -> Type). Distinct i => NameBinder i l -> NameBinder i r -> UnifyNameBinders pattern i l r
- andThenUnifyPatterns :: forall pattern (l :: S) (l' :: S) (n :: S) (r :: S) (r' :: S). (UnifiablePattern pattern, Distinct l, Distinct l') => UnifyNameBinders pattern n l l' -> (pattern l r, pattern l' r') -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n r r'
- andThenUnifyNameBinders :: forall (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) (l :: S) (l' :: S) (n :: S) (r :: S) (r' :: S). (UnifiablePattern pattern, Distinct l, Distinct l') => UnifyNameBinders pattern n l l' -> (NameBinder l r, NameBinder l' r') -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n r r'
- class CoSinkable pattern => UnifiablePattern (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
- unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). Distinct n => pattern n l -> pattern n r -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r
- class UnifiableInPattern a where
- unifyInPattern :: a -> a -> Bool
- data NameBinders (n :: S) (l :: S)
- emptyNameBinders :: forall (n :: S). NameBinders n n
- mergeNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (i :: S) (l :: S). NameBinders n i -> NameBinders i l -> NameBinders n l
- data V2 (n :: S) (l :: S)
- absurd2 :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) a. V2 n l -> a
- data NameMap (n :: S) a
- emptyNameMap :: NameMap 'VoidS a
- lookupName :: forall (n :: S) a. Name n -> NameMap n a -> a
- addNameBinder :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) a. NameBinder n l -> a -> NameMap n a -> NameMap l a
- nameMapToSubstitution :: forall (i :: S) e (o :: S). NameMap i (e o) -> Substitution e i o
- addNameBinders :: forall binder (n :: S) (l :: S) a. CoSinkable binder => binder n l -> [a] -> NameMap n a -> NameMap l a
- addNameBinderList :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) a. NameBinderList n l -> [a] -> NameMap n a -> NameMap l a
- data NameBinderList (n :: S) (l :: S) where
- NameBinderListEmpty :: forall (n :: S). NameBinderList n n
- NameBinderListCons :: forall (n :: S) (i :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n i -> NameBinderList i l -> NameBinderList n l
- class (ExtEndo n => ExtEndo l) => Ext (n :: S) (l :: S)
- data ExtEvidence (n :: S) (l :: S) where
- Ext :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). Ext n l => ExtEvidence n l
- class Distinct (n :: S)
- data DistinctEvidence (n :: S) where
- Distinct :: forall (n :: S). Distinct n => DistinctEvidence n
- assertDistinct :: forall (n :: S) pattern (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> DistinctEvidence l
- assertExt :: forall pattern (n :: S) (l :: S). CoSinkable pattern => pattern n l -> ExtEvidence n l
- type DExt (n :: S) (l :: S) = (Distinct l, Ext n l)
- class InjectName (e :: S -> Type) where
- injectName :: forall (n :: S). Name n -> e n
Safe scopes, names, and binders
is a data kind of scope indices.
VoidS |
(SinkableK f, ExtractRenamingK i, ExtractRenamingK j) => GSinkableK (Field ((('Kon f :: Atom k (S -> S -> Type)) ':@: 'Var i) ':@: 'Var j) :: LoT k -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |||||
(SinkableK f, ExtractRenamingK i) => GSinkableK (Field (('Kon f :: Atom k (S -> Type)) ':@: 'Var i) :: LoT k -> Type) Source # | |||||
GSinkableK f => GSinkableK (Exists S f :: LoT k -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods gsinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) r. RenamingsK as bs -> Exists S f as -> (forall (cs :: LoT k). RenamingsK as cs -> Exists S f cs -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
HasNameBinders f => GHasNameBinders (Field ((('Kon f :: Atom d (S -> S -> Type)) ':@: 'Var i) ':@: 'Var j) :: LoT d -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods ggetNameBindersRaw :: forall (as :: LoT d). Field ((('Kon f :: Atom d (S -> S -> Type)) ':@: 'Var i) ':@: 'Var j) as -> [RawName] Source # greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: forall (as :: LoT d) (bs :: LoT d). Field ((('Kon f :: Atom d (S -> S -> Type)) ':@: 'Var i) ':@: 'Var j) as -> [RawName] -> (Field ((('Kon f :: Atom d (S -> S -> Type)) ':@: 'Var i) ':@: 'Var j) bs, [RawName]) Source # | |||||
SinkableK NameBinder Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (NameBinder :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RenamingsK as cs -> (NameBinder :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
SinkableK NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (NameBinderList :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RenamingsK as cs -> (NameBinderList :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
SinkableK NameBinders Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (NameBinders :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RenamingsK as cs -> (NameBinders :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
SinkableK U2 Source # | |||||
SinkableK V2 Source # | |||||
GenericK NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Associated Types
Methods fromK :: forall (x :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). (NameBinderList :@@: x) -> RepK NameBinderList x # toK :: forall (x :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RepK NameBinderList x -> NameBinderList :@@: x # | |||||
GenericK U2 Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |||||
GenericK V2 Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |||||
ExtractRenamingK ('VZ :: TyVar (S -> xs) S) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods extractRenamingK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> xs)) (bs :: LoT (S -> xs)). RenamingsK as bs -> Name (Interpret ('Var ('VZ :: TyVar (S -> xs) S)) as) -> Name (Interpret ('Var ('VZ :: TyVar (S -> xs) S)) bs) Source # putBackRenamingK :: forall (c :: S) (as :: LoT (S -> xs)) (bs :: LoT (S -> xs)). (Name (Interpret ('Var ('VZ :: TyVar (S -> xs) S)) as) -> Name c) -> RenamingsK as bs -> RenamingsK as (PutBackLoT ('VZ :: TyVar (S -> xs) S) c bs) Source # | |||||
SinkableK (f a) => GSinkableK (Field ((('Kon f :: Atom (S -> xs) (k1 -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon a :: Atom (S -> xs) k1)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> xs) S)) :: LoT (S -> xs) -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods gsinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> xs)) (bs :: LoT (S -> xs)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> Field ((('Kon f :: Atom (S -> xs) (k1 -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon a :: Atom (S -> xs) k1)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> xs) S)) as -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> xs)). RenamingsK as cs -> Field ((('Kon f :: Atom (S -> xs) (k1 -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon a :: Atom (S -> xs) k1)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> xs) S)) cs -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
SinkableK (f a b) => GSinkableK (Field (((('Kon f :: Atom (S -> xs) (k2 -> k3 -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon a :: Atom (S -> xs) k2)) ':@: ('Kon b :: Atom (S -> xs) k3)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> xs) S)) :: LoT (S -> xs) -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods gsinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> xs)) (bs :: LoT (S -> xs)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> Field (((('Kon f :: Atom (S -> xs) (k2 -> k3 -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon a :: Atom (S -> xs) k2)) ':@: ('Kon b :: Atom (S -> xs) k3)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> xs) S)) as -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> xs)). RenamingsK as cs -> Field (((('Kon f :: Atom (S -> xs) (k2 -> k3 -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon a :: Atom (S -> xs) k2)) ':@: ('Kon b :: Atom (S -> xs) k3)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> xs) S)) cs -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
GenericK (AST binder sig :: S -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil Associated Types
| |||||
GenericK (ScopedAST binder sig :: S -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil Associated Types
| |||||
ExtractRenamingK x2 => ExtractRenamingK ('VS x2 :: TyVar (x1 -> xs) S) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods extractRenamingK :: forall (as :: LoT (x1 -> xs)) (bs :: LoT (x1 -> xs)). RenamingsK as bs -> Name (Interpret ('Var ('VS x2 :: TyVar (x1 -> xs) S)) as) -> Name (Interpret ('Var ('VS x2 :: TyVar (x1 -> xs) S)) bs) Source # putBackRenamingK :: forall (c :: S) (as :: LoT (x1 -> xs)) (bs :: LoT (x1 -> xs)). (Name (Interpret ('Var ('VS x2 :: TyVar (x1 -> xs) S)) as) -> Name c) -> RenamingsK as bs -> RenamingsK as (PutBackLoT ('VS x2 :: TyVar (x1 -> xs) S) c bs) Source # | |||||
type RepK NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal type RepK NameBinderList = (((Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S) :~~: (Var1 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S)) :=>: (U1 :: LoT (S -> S -> Type) -> Type)) :+: Exists S (Field ((NameBinder :$: (Var1 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S)) :*: Field ((NameBinderList :$: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S)) ':@: (Var2 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S))) | |||||
type RepK U2 Source # | |||||
type RepK V2 Source # | |||||
type RepK (AST binder sig :: S -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil type RepK (AST binder sig :: S -> Type) = Field (Name :$: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> Type) S)) :+: Field ((sig :$: (((('Kon ScopedAST :: Atom (S -> Type) ((S -> S -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon binder :: Atom (S -> Type) (S -> S -> Type))) ':@: ('Kon sig :: Atom (S -> Type) (Type -> Type -> Type))) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> Type) S))) ':@: (((('Kon AST :: Atom (S -> Type) ((S -> S -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon binder :: Atom (S -> Type) (S -> S -> Type))) ':@: ('Kon sig :: Atom (S -> Type) (Type -> Type -> Type))) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> Type) S))) | |||||
type RepK (ScopedAST binder sig :: S -> Type) Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil type RepK (ScopedAST binder sig :: S -> Type) = Exists S (Field ((('Kon binder :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) (S -> S -> Type)) ':@: (Var1 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S)) :*: Field (((('Kon AST :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) ((S -> S -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> S -> Type)) ':@: ('Kon binder :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) (S -> S -> Type))) ':@: ('Kon sig :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) (Type -> Type -> Type))) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S))) |
A safe scope, indexed by a type-level scope index n
A name in a safe scope, indexed by a type-level scope index n
Sinkable Name Source # | Sinking a |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
SinkableK Name Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
RelMonad Name Expr Source # | |
(Bifunctor sig, CoSinkable binder, SinkableK binder) => RelMonad Name (AST binder sig) Source # | |
Show (Name n) Source # | |
NFData (Name n) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
Eq (Name n) Source # | |
Ord (Name n) Source # | |
data NameBinder (n :: S) (l :: S) Source #
A name binder is a name that extends scope n
to a (larger) scope l
CoSinkable NameBinder Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinder n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinder n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> NameBinder n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> NameBinder o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
HasNameBinders NameBinder Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods getNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> NameBinders n l Source # unsafeSetNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). NameBinder n l -> NameBinders n l' -> NameBinder n l' Source # getNameBindersRaw :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> [RawName] Source # reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). NameBinder n l -> [RawName] -> (NameBinder n l', [RawName]) Source # | |
UnifiablePattern NameBinder Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). Distinct n => NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n r -> UnifyNameBinders NameBinder n l r Source # | |
Show (Expr n) Source # | Use |
Show (NameBinder n l) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> NameBinder n l -> ShowS # show :: NameBinder n l -> String # showList :: [NameBinder n l] -> ShowS # | |
NFData (NameBinder n l) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods rnf :: NameBinder n l -> () # | |
Eq (NameBinder n l) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods (==) :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Bool # (/=) :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Bool # | |
Ord (NameBinder n l) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods compare :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Ordering # (<) :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Bool # (<=) :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Bool # (>) :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Bool # (>=) :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> Bool # max :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l # min :: NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l # | |
SinkableK NameBinder Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (NameBinder :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RenamingsK as cs -> (NameBinder :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source # |
emptyScope :: Scope 'VoidS Source #
An empty scope (without any names).
extendScope :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> Scope n -> Scope l Source #
\(O(\min(n,W))\). Extend a scope with one name (safely). Note that as long as the foil is used as intended, the name binder is guaranteed to introduce a name that does not appear in the initial scope.
extendScopePattern :: forall (n :: S) pattern (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> Scope n -> Scope l Source #
Extend scope with variables inside a pattern.
This is a more flexible version of extendScope
member :: forall (l :: S) (n :: S). Name l -> Scope n -> Bool Source #
A runtime check for potential name capture.
nameOf :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> Name l Source #
Extract name from a name binder.
namesOfPattern :: forall pattern (n :: S) (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> [Name l] Source #
Extract names from a pattern.
This is a more flexible version of namesOf
nameId :: forall (l :: S). Name l -> Id Source #
Convert Name
into an identifier.
This may be useful for printing and debugging.
withFreshBinder :: forall (n :: S) r. Scope n -> (forall (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> r) -> r Source #
Allocate a fresh binder for a given scope.
withFresh :: forall (n :: S) r. Distinct n => Scope n -> (forall (l :: S). DExt n l => NameBinder n l -> r) -> r Source #
Safely produce a fresh name binder with respect to a given scope.
:: forall (o :: S) pattern (e :: S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (Distinct o, CoSinkable pattern, Sinkable e, InjectName e) | |
=> Scope o | Ambient scope. |
-> pattern n l | Pattern to refresh (if it clashes with the ambient scope). |
-> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => (Substitution e n o -> Substitution e l o') -> pattern o o' -> r) | Continuation, accepting the refreshed pattern. |
-> r |
Rename a given pattern into a fresh version of it to extend a given scope.
This is similar to withRefreshPattern
, except here renaming always takes place.
:: forall (o :: S) (i :: S) r. Distinct o | |
=> Scope o | Ambient scope. |
-> Name i | Name to refresh (if it clashes with the ambient scope). |
-> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => NameBinder o o' -> r) | Continuation, accepting the refreshed name. |
-> r |
Safely rename (if necessary) a given name to extend a given scope.
This is similar to withFresh
, except if the name does not clash with
the scope, it can be used immediately, without renaming.
:: forall (o :: S) pattern (e :: S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (Distinct o, CoSinkable pattern, Sinkable e, InjectName e) | |
=> Scope o | Ambient scope. |
-> pattern n l | Pattern to refresh (if it clashes with the ambient scope). |
-> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => (Substitution e n o -> Substitution e l o') -> pattern o o' -> r) | Continuation, accepting the refreshed pattern. |
-> r |
Safely rename (if necessary) a given pattern to extend a given scope.
This is similar to withFreshPattern
, except if a name in the pattern
does not clash with the scope, it can be used immediately, without renaming.
This is a more general version of withRefreshed
withRefreshedPattern' :: forall pattern (o :: S) e (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (CoSinkable pattern, Distinct o, InjectName e, Sinkable e) => Scope o -> pattern n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => ((Name n -> e o) -> Name l -> e o') -> pattern o o' -> r) -> r Source #
Refresh (if needed) bound variables introduced in a pattern.
This is a version of withRefreshedPattern
that uses functional renamings instead of Substitution
unsinkName :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinder n l -> Name l -> Maybe (Name n) Source #
Try coercing the name back to the (smaller) scope, given a binder that extends that scope.
unsinkNamePattern :: forall pattern (n :: S) (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> Name l -> Maybe (Name n) Source #
Check if a name in the extended context
is introduced in a pattern or comes from the outer scope n
This is a generalization of unsinkName
Safe (co)sinking and renaming
class SinkableK (f :: S -> k) where Source #
Minimal complete definition
sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> k)) (bs :: LoT (S -> k)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (f :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> k)). RenamingsK as cs -> (f :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source #
default sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> k)) (bs :: LoT (S -> k)) r. (GenericK f, GSinkableK (RepK f)) => RenamingsK as bs -> (f :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> k)). RenamingsK as cs -> (f :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source #
class Sinkable (e :: S -> Type) where Source #
Sinking an expression from scope n
into a (usualy extended) scope l
given the renaming (injection from scope n
to scope l
Minimal complete definition
:: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). (Name n -> Name l) | Map names from scope |
-> e n | Expression with free variables in scope |
-> e l |
An implementation of this method that typechecks
proves to the compiler that the expression is indeed
. However, instead of this implementation, sink
should be used at all call sites for efficiency.
default sinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). (GenericK e, GSinkableK (RepK e)) => (Name n -> Name l) -> e n -> e l Source #
Sinkable Expr Source # | This instance serves as a proof
that sinking of |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Example | |
Sinkable Name Source # | Sinking a |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
Sinkable e => Sinkable (Substitution e i) Source # | Substitutions are sinkable as long as corresponding expressions are. |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). (Name n -> Name l) -> Substitution e i n -> Substitution e i l Source # | |
(Bifunctor sig, CoSinkable binder, SinkableK binder) => Sinkable (AST binder sig) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil | |
(Bifunctor sig, CoSinkable binder, SinkableK binder) => Sinkable (ScopedAST binder sig) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil |
class CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where Source #
is to patterns (generalized binders)
what Sinkable
is to expressions.
See Section 2.3 of «Free Foil: Generating Efficient and Scope-Safe Abstract Syntax» for more details.
Minimal complete definition
:: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') | Map names from scope |
-> pattern n l | A pattern that extends scope |
-> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) | A continuation, accepting an extended renaming from |
-> r |
An implementation of this method that typechecks
proves to the compiler that the pattern is indeed
. However, instead of this implementation,
should be used at all call sites for efficiency.
default coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (GenericK pattern, GSinkableK (RepK pattern)) => (Name n -> Name n') -> pattern n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) -> r Source #
:: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o | |
=> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') | Processing of a single |
-> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') | Result in case no binders are present. This can be seen as scope-indexed |
-> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') | Composition of results for nested binders/patterns. This can be seen as scope-indexed |
-> Scope o | Ambient scope. |
-> pattern n l | Pattern to process. |
-> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r) | Continuation, accepting result for the entire pattern and a (possibly refreshed) pattern. |
-> r |
Generalized processing of a pattern.
You can see withPattern
as a CPS-style traversal over the binders in a pattern.
default withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. (Distinct o, GenericK pattern, GValidNameBinders pattern (RepK pattern), GHasNameBinders (RepK pattern)) => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> pattern n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r) -> r Source #
CoSinkable NameBinder Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinder n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinder n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> NameBinder n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> NameBinder o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
CoSinkable NameBinderList Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinderList n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinderList n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> NameBinderList n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> NameBinderList o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
CoSinkable NameBinders Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinders n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinders n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> NameBinders n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> NameBinders o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
CoSinkable U2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> U2 n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> U2 n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> U2 n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> U2 o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
CoSinkable V2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> V2 n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> V2 n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> V2 n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> V2 o o' -> r) -> r Source # |
class HasNameBinders (f :: S -> S -> Type) where Source #
, then HasNameBinders
ff n l
is expected to act as a binder,
introducing into scope n
some local variables, extending it to scope l
This class allows to extract and modify the set of binders.
Minimal complete definition
getNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). f n l -> NameBinders n l Source #
Extract a set of binders from a pattern.
sink :: forall e (n :: S) (l :: S). (Sinkable e, DExt n l) => e n -> e l Source #
Efficient version of sinkabilityProof
In fact, once sinkabilityProof
it is safe to sink
by coercion.
See Section 3.5 in «The Foil: Capture-Avoiding Substitution With No Sharp Edges» for the details.
:: forall pattern (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. CoSinkable pattern | |
=> (Name n -> Name n') | Map names from scope |
-> pattern n l | A pattern that extends scope |
-> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) | A continuation, accepting an extended renaming from |
-> r |
Extend renaming when going under a CoSinkable
pattern (generalized binder).
Note that the scope under pattern is independent of the codomain of the renaming.
This function is used to go under binders when implementing sinkabilityProof
and is both a generalization of extendRenamingNameBinder
and an efficient implementation of coSinkabilityProof
extendNameBinderRenaming Source #
:: forall pattern (i :: S) (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. CoSinkable pattern | |
=> (NameBinder i n -> NameBinder i n') | Map names from scope |
-> pattern n l | A pattern that extends scope |
-> (forall (l' :: S). (NameBinder n' l -> NameBinder n' l') -> pattern n' l' -> r) | A continuation, accepting an extended renaming from |
-> r |
Extend renaming of binders when going under a CoSinkable
pattern (generalized binder).
Note that the scope under pattern is independent of the codomain of the renaming.
composeNameBinderRenamings Source #
:: forall (n :: S) (i :: S) (i' :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). (NameBinder n i -> NameBinder n i') | Rename binders extending scope |
-> (NameBinder i' l -> NameBinder i' l') | Rename binders extending scope |
-> NameBinder n l | |
-> NameBinder n l' |
Safely compose renamings of name binders. The underlying implementation is
fromNameBinderRenaming :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). (NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n l') -> Name l -> Name l' Source #
Convert renaming of name binders into renaming of names in the inner scopes.
extendRenamingNameBinder Source #
:: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') | Map names from scope |
-> NameBinder n l | A name binder that extends scope |
-> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinder n' l' -> r) | A continuation, accepting an extended renaming from |
-> r |
Extend renaming when going under a NameBinder
Note that the scope under binder is independent of the codomain of the renaming.
Semantically, this function may need to rename the binder (resulting in the new scope l'
to make sure it does not clash with scope n'
However, as it turns out, the foil makes it safe
to implement this function as a coercion.
See Appendix A in «The Foil: Capture-Avoiding Substitution With No Sharp Edges» for the details.
This function is used to go under binders when implementing sinkabilityProof
A generalization of this function is extendRenaming
(which is an efficient version of coSinkabilityProof
Safe substitutions
data Substitution (e :: S -> Type) (i :: S) (o :: S) Source #
A substitution is a mapping from names in scope i
to expressions e o
in scope o
Sinkable e => Sinkable (Substitution e i) Source # | Substitutions are sinkable as long as corresponding expressions are. |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). (Name n -> Name l) -> Substitution e i n -> Substitution e i l Source # |
lookupSubst :: forall e (i :: S) (o :: S). InjectName e => Substitution e i o -> Name i -> e o Source #
Apply substitution to a given name.
identitySubst :: forall (e :: S -> Type) (i :: S). InjectName e => Substitution e i i Source #
Identity substitution maps all names to expresion-variables.
voidSubst :: forall (e :: S -> Type) (n :: S). Substitution e 'VoidS n Source #
An empty substitution from an empty scope.
addSubst :: forall e (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). Substitution e i o -> NameBinder i i' -> e o -> Substitution e i' o Source #
Extend substitution with a particular mapping.
addSubstPattern :: forall binder e (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). CoSinkable binder => Substitution e i o -> binder i i' -> [e o] -> Substitution e i' o Source #
addSubstList :: forall e (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). Substitution e i o -> NameBinderList i i' -> [e o] -> Substitution e i' o Source #
addRename :: forall (e :: S -> Type) (i :: S) (o :: S) (i' :: S). InjectName e => Substitution e i o -> NameBinder i i' -> Name o -> Substitution e i' o Source #
Add variable renaming to a substitution. This includes the performance optimization of eliding names mapped to themselves.
Unification of binders
data UnifyNameBinders (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S) where Source #
Unification result for two binders,
extending some common scope to scopes l
and r
Due to the implementation of the foil, we can often rename binders efficiently, by renaming binders only in one of the two unified terms.
SameNameBinders | Binders are the same, proving that type parameters |
| |
RenameLeftNameBinder | It is possible to safely rename the left binder to match the right one. |
| |
RenameRightNameBinder | It is possible to safely rename the right binder to match the left one. |
| |
RenameBothBinders | It is necessary to rename both binders. |
| |
NotUnifiable :: forall (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r | Cannot unify to (sub)patterns. |
:: forall (i :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S) (pattern :: S -> S -> Type). Distinct i | |
=> NameBinder i l | Left pattern. |
-> NameBinder i r | Right pattern. |
-> UnifyNameBinders pattern i l r |
Unify binders either by asserting that they are the same, or by providing a safe renaming function to convert one binder to another.
:: forall pattern (l :: S) (l' :: S) (n :: S) (r :: S) (r' :: S). (UnifiablePattern pattern, Distinct l, Distinct l') | |
=> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l l' | Unifying action for some outer patterns. |
-> (pattern l r, pattern l' r') | Two nested patterns (cannot be unified directly since they extend different scopes). |
-> UnifyNameBinders pattern n r r' |
Chain unification of nested patterns.
andThenUnifyNameBinders Source #
:: forall (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) (l :: S) (l' :: S) (n :: S) (r :: S) (r' :: S). (UnifiablePattern pattern, Distinct l, Distinct l') | |
=> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l l' | Unifying action for some outer patterns. |
-> (NameBinder l r, NameBinder l' r') | Two nested binders (cannot be unified directly since they extend different scopes). |
-> UnifyNameBinders pattern n r r' |
Chain unification of nested patterns with NameBinder
class CoSinkable pattern => UnifiablePattern (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where Source #
A pattern type is unifiable if it is possible to match two patterns and decide how to rename binders.
Minimal complete definition
unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). Distinct n => pattern n l -> pattern n r -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r Source #
Unify two patterns and decide which binders need to be renamed.
default unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). (CoSinkable pattern, Distinct n) => pattern n l -> pattern n r -> UnifyNameBinders pattern n l r Source #
UnifiablePattern NameBinder Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). Distinct n => NameBinder n l -> NameBinder n r -> UnifyNameBinders NameBinder n l r Source # | |
UnifiablePattern NameBinderList Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). Distinct n => NameBinderList n l -> NameBinderList n r -> UnifyNameBinders NameBinderList n l r Source # | |
UnifiablePattern U2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
UnifiablePattern V2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal |
class UnifiableInPattern a where Source #
Unification of values in patterns.
By default, Eq
instance is used, but it may be useful to ignore
some data in pattens (such as location annotations).
Minimal complete definition
unifyInPattern :: a -> a -> Bool Source #
Unify non-binding components of a pattern.
default unifyInPattern :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool Source #
data NameBinders (n :: S) (l :: S) Source #
An unordered collection of NameBinder
s, that together extend scope n
to scope l
For an ordered version see NameBinderList
CoSinkable NameBinders Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinders n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinders n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> NameBinders n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> NameBinders o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
SinkableK NameBinders Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (NameBinders :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RenamingsK as cs -> (NameBinders :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source # |
emptyNameBinders :: forall (n :: S). NameBinders n n Source #
An empty set of binders keeps the scope as is.
mergeNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (i :: S) (l :: S). NameBinders n i -> NameBinders i l -> NameBinders n l Source #
Composition of sets of binders.
Eliminating impossible unification
data V2 (n :: S) (l :: S) Source #
An empty pattern type specifies zero possibilities for patterns.
This type can be used to specify that patterns are not possible.
CoSinkable V2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> V2 n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> V2 n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> V2 n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> V2 o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |
UnifiablePattern V2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
SinkableK V2 Source # | |
GenericK V2 Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
type RepK V2 Source # | |
absurd2 :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) a. V2 n l -> a Source #
Since V2
values logically don't exist, this witnesses the logical reasoning tool of "ex falso quodlibet".
Name maps
data NameMap (n :: S) a Source #
A total map from names in scope n
to elements of type a
Foldable (NameMap n) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods fold :: Monoid m => NameMap n m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NameMap n a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NameMap n a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NameMap n a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NameMap n a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NameMap n a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NameMap n a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NameMap n a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NameMap n a -> a # toList :: NameMap n a -> [a] # length :: NameMap n a -> Int # elem :: Eq a => a -> NameMap n a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => NameMap n a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => NameMap n a -> a # | |
Traversable (NameMap n) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal | |
Functor (NameMap n) Source # | |
emptyNameMap :: NameMap 'VoidS a Source #
An empty map belongs in the empty scope.
addNameBinder :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) a. NameBinder n l -> a -> NameMap n a -> NameMap l a Source #
Extending a map with a single mapping.
Note that the scope parameter of the result differs from the initial map.
nameMapToSubstitution :: forall (i :: S) e (o :: S). NameMap i (e o) -> Substitution e i o Source #
Convert a NameMap
of expressions into a Substitution
addNameBinders :: forall binder (n :: S) (l :: S) a. CoSinkable binder => binder n l -> [a] -> NameMap n a -> NameMap l a Source #
Extend a map with multiple mappings (by repeatedly applying addNameBinder
Note that the input list is expected to have at least the same number of elements as there are binders in the input pattern (generalized binder).
addNameBinderList :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) a. NameBinderList n l -> [a] -> NameMap n a -> NameMap l a Source #
Extend a map with multiple mappings (by repeatedly applying addNameBinder
Note that the input list is expected to have at least the same number of elements as there are binders in the input name binder list.
See also addNameBinders
for a generalized version.
data NameBinderList (n :: S) (l :: S) where Source #
An ordered collection (list) of NameBinder
s, that together extend scope n
to scope l
For an unordered version see NameBinders
NameBinderListEmpty :: forall (n :: S). NameBinderList n n | An empty list of binders keeps the scope as is. |
NameBinderListCons | A non-empty list of binders. |
CoSinkable NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods coSinkabilityProof :: forall (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) r. (Name n -> Name n') -> NameBinderList n l -> (forall (l' :: S). (Name l -> Name l') -> NameBinderList n' l' -> r) -> r Source # withPattern :: forall (o :: S) f (n :: S) (l :: S) r. Distinct o => (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (z :: S) r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r') -> (forall (x :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S). DExt z z' => f x x z z') -> (forall (x :: S) (y :: S) (y' :: S) (z :: S) (z' :: S) (z'' :: S). (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'') -> Scope o -> NameBinderList n l -> (forall (o' :: S). DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> NameBinderList o o' -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
HasNameBinders NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods getNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinderList n l -> NameBinders n l Source # unsafeSetNameBinders :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). NameBinderList n l -> NameBinders n l' -> NameBinderList n l' Source # getNameBindersRaw :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). NameBinderList n l -> [RawName] Source # reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (l' :: S). NameBinderList n l -> [RawName] -> (NameBinderList n l', [RawName]) Source # | |||||
UnifiablePattern NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods unifyPatterns :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S) (r :: S). Distinct n => NameBinderList n l -> NameBinderList n r -> UnifyNameBinders NameBinderList n l r Source # | |||||
SinkableK NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Methods sinkabilityProofK :: forall (as :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)) r. RenamingsK as bs -> (NameBinderList :@@: as) -> (forall (cs :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RenamingsK as cs -> (NameBinderList :@@: cs) -> r) -> r Source # | |||||
GenericK NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal Associated Types
Methods fromK :: forall (x :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). (NameBinderList :@@: x) -> RepK NameBinderList x # toK :: forall (x :: LoT (S -> S -> Type)). RepK NameBinderList x -> NameBinderList :@@: x # | |||||
type RepK NameBinderList Source # | |||||
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal type RepK NameBinderList = (((Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S) :~~: (Var1 :: Atom (S -> S -> Type) S)) :=>: (U1 :: LoT (S -> S -> Type) -> Type)) :+: Exists S (Field ((NameBinder :$: (Var1 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S)) :*: Field ((NameBinderList :$: (Var0 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S)) ':@: (Var2 :: Atom (S -> S -> S -> Type) S))) |
class (ExtEndo n => ExtEndo l) => Ext (n :: S) (l :: S) Source #
data ExtEvidence (n :: S) (l :: S) where Source #
Evidence that scope l
extends scope n
Ext :: forall (n :: S) (l :: S). Ext n l => ExtEvidence n l |
class Distinct (n :: S) Source #
Scopes with distinct names.
Important: this class exists to explicitly
mark scopes with distinct names.
Users of the foil are not supposed to implement any instances of Distinct
Distinct 'VoidS Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Internal |
data DistinctEvidence (n :: S) where Source #
Evidence that scope n
contains distinct names.
Distinct :: forall (n :: S). Distinct n => DistinctEvidence n |
assertDistinct :: forall (n :: S) pattern (l :: S). (Distinct n, CoSinkable pattern) => pattern n l -> DistinctEvidence l Source #
A distinct scope extended with a NameBinder
is also distinct.
assertExt :: forall pattern (n :: S) (l :: S). CoSinkable pattern => pattern n l -> ExtEvidence n l Source #
A distinct scope extended with a NameBinder
is also distinct.
class InjectName (e :: S -> Type) where Source #
Instances of this typeclass possess the ability to inject names. Usually, this is a variable data constructor.
InjectName Expr Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Foil.Example | |
InjectName (AST binder sig) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Free.Foil |