free-foil-0.2.0: Efficient Type-Safe Capture-Avoiding Substitution for Free (Scoped Monads)
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides GenericK and ZipMatchK instances for Sum and Product, to enable the use of ZipMatchK with the data types à la carte approach.

Orphan instances

(Traversable f, Traversable g, ZipMatchK f, ZipMatchK g) => ZipMatchK (Product f g :: Type -> Type) Source #

Note: instance is limited to Type-kinded bifunctors f and g.

Instance details


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Product f g :@@: as) -> (Product f g :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Product f g :@@: cs) Source #

(Traversable f, Traversable g, ZipMatchK f, ZipMatchK g) => ZipMatchK (Sum f g :: Type -> Type) Source #

Note: instance is limited to Type-kinded bifunctors f and g.

Instance details


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Sum f g :@@: as) -> (Sum f g :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Sum f g :@@: cs) Source #

GenericK (Product f g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type RepK (Product f g :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Functor

type RepK (Product f g :: k -> Type) = Field (('Kon f :: Atom (k -> Type) (k -> Type)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (k -> Type) k)) :*: Field (('Kon g :: Atom (k -> Type) (k -> Type)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (k -> Type) k))


fromK :: forall (x :: LoT (k -> Type)). (Product f g :@@: x) -> RepK (Product f g) x #

toK :: forall (x :: LoT (k -> Type)). RepK (Product f g) x -> Product f g :@@: x #

GenericK (Sum f g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type RepK (Sum f g :: k -> Type) 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Functor

type RepK (Sum f g :: k -> Type) = Field (('Kon f :: Atom (k -> Type) (k -> Type)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (k -> Type) k)) :+: Field (('Kon g :: Atom (k -> Type) (k -> Type)) ':@: (Var0 :: Atom (k -> Type) k))


fromK :: forall (x :: LoT (k -> Type)). (Sum f g :@@: x) -> RepK (Sum f g) x #

toK :: forall (x :: LoT (k -> Type)). RepK (Sum f g) x -> Sum f g :@@: x #