ghcjs-base- base library for GHCJS

Safe HaskellNone



Dynamically export Haskell values to JavaScript



data Export a Source


export :: Typeable a => a -> IO (Export a) Source

Export any Haskell value to a JavaScript reference without evaluating it. The JavaScript reference can be passed to foreign code and used to retrieve the value later.

The data referenced by the value will be kept in memory until you call releaseExport, even if no foreign code references the export anymore.

withExport :: Typeable a => a -> (Export a -> IO b) -> IO b Source

Export the value and run the action. The value is only exported for the duration of the action. Dereferencing it after the withExport call has returned will always return Nothing.

derefExport :: forall a. Typeable a => Export a -> IO (Maybe a) Source

Retrieve the Haskell value from an export. Returns Nothing if the type does not match or the export has already been released.

releaseExport :: Export a -> IO () Source

Release all memory associated with the export. Subsequent calls to derefExport will return Nothing