free-foil-0.2.0: Efficient Type-Safe Capture-Avoiding Substitution for Free (Scoped Monads)
Safe HaskellNone



Kind-polymorphic syntactic (first-order) unification.



class ZipMatchK (f :: k) where Source #

Kind-polymorphic syntactic (first-order) unification of two values.

Note: f is expected to be a traversable n-functor, but at the moment we lack a TraversableK constraint.

Minimal complete definition



zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) (cs :: LoT k). Mappings as bs cs -> (f :@@: as) -> (f :@@: bs) -> Maybe (f :@@: cs) Source #

Perform one level of equality testing:

  • when k = Type, values are compared directly (e.g. via Eq);
  • when k = Type -> Type, we compare term constructors; if term constructors are unequal, we return Nothing; otherwise, we pair up all components with a given function.

default zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) (cs :: LoT k). (GenericK f, GZipMatch (RepK f), ReqsZipMatchWith (RepK f) as bs cs) => Mappings as bs cs -> (f :@@: as) -> (f :@@: bs) -> Maybe (f :@@: cs) Source #


Instances details
ZipMatchK Either Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Either :@@: as) -> (Either :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Either :@@: cs) Source #

ZipMatchK (,) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> ((,) :@@: as) -> ((,) :@@: bs) -> Maybe ((,) :@@: cs) Source #

ZipMatchK NonEmpty Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (NonEmpty :@@: as) -> (NonEmpty :@@: bs) -> Maybe (NonEmpty :@@: cs) Source #

ZipMatchK Maybe Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Maybe :@@: as) -> (Maybe :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Maybe :@@: cs) Source #

ZipMatchK [] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> ([] :@@: as) -> ([] :@@: bs) -> Maybe ([] :@@: cs) Source #

ZipMatchK a => ZipMatchK (Either a :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Either a :@@: as) -> (Either a :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Either a :@@: cs) Source #

ZipMatchK a => ZipMatchK ((,) a :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Generic


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> ((,) a :@@: as) -> ((,) a :@@: bs) -> Maybe ((,) a :@@: cs) Source #

(Traversable f, Traversable g, ZipMatchK f, ZipMatchK g) => ZipMatchK (Product f g :: Type -> Type) Source #

Note: instance is limited to Type-kinded bifunctors f and g.

Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Functor


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Product f g :@@: as) -> (Product f g :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Product f g :@@: cs) Source #

(Traversable f, Traversable g, ZipMatchK f, ZipMatchK g) => ZipMatchK (Sum f g :: Type -> Type) Source #

Note: instance is limited to Type-kinded bifunctors f and g.

Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Functor


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Sum f g :@@: as) -> (Sum f g :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Sum f g :@@: cs) Source #

(Bitraversable f, Bitraversable g, ZipMatchK f, ZipMatchK g) => ZipMatchK (Product f g :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source #

Note: instance is limited to Type-kinded bifunctors f and g.

Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Bifunctor


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Product f g :@@: as) -> (Product f g :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Product f g :@@: cs) Source #

(Bitraversable f, Bitraversable g, ZipMatchK f, ZipMatchK g) => ZipMatchK (Sum f g :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source #

Note: instance is limited to Type-kinded bifunctors f and g.

Instance details

Defined in Data.ZipMatchK.Bifunctor


zipMatchWithK :: forall (as :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (bs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)) (cs :: LoT (Type -> Type -> Type)). Mappings as bs cs -> (Sum f g :@@: as) -> (Sum f g :@@: bs) -> Maybe (Sum f g :@@: cs) Source #

zipMatchK :: forall {k} (f :: k) (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k). (ZipMatchK f, PairMappings as bs) => (f :@@: as) -> (f :@@: bs) -> Maybe (f :@@: ZipLoT as bs) Source #

Perform one level of equality testing for two values and pair up components using (,):

zipMatchK = zipMatchWithK (\x y -> Just (,) :^: M0)


Unification of plain Types

zipMatchViaEq :: forall {k} a (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) (cs :: LoT k). Eq a => Mappings as bs cs -> a -> a -> Maybe a Source #

Unify values via Eq. Can be used as an implementation of zipMatchWithK when k = Type.

zipMatchViaChooseLeft :: forall {k} (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) (cs :: LoT k) a. Mappings as bs cs -> a -> a -> Maybe a Source #

Always successfully unify any two values of type a by preferring the left value. Can be used as an implementation of zipMatchWithK when k = Type.

Unification of Functors

zipMatchWith1 :: (Traversable f, ZipMatchK f) => (a -> a' -> Maybe a'') -> f a -> f a' -> Maybe (f a'') Source #

zipMatchWithK specialised to functors.

Note: Traversable is a morally correct constraint here.

zipMatch1 :: (Traversable f, ZipMatchK f) => f a -> f a' -> Maybe (f (a, a')) Source #

zipMatchK specialised to functors.

Note: Traversable is a morally correct constraint here.

Unification of Bifunctors

zipMatchWith2 :: (Bitraversable f, ZipMatchK f) => (a -> a' -> Maybe a'') -> (b -> b' -> Maybe b'') -> f a b -> f a' b' -> Maybe (f a'' b'') Source #

zipMatchWithK specialised to bifunctors.

Note: Bitraversable is a morally correct constraint here.

zipMatch2 :: (Bitraversable f, ZipMatchK f) => f a b -> f a' b' -> Maybe (f (a, a') (b, b')) Source #

zipMatchK specialised to bifunctors.

Note: Bitraversable is a morally correct constraint here.